Get Involved
Sanatan Mandir Cultural Centre is a place of worship, gathering, celebrating various religious and cultural holidays and maintaining close ties with our country and our traditions. People from every age group and generation contribute their time and talents at special holiday celebrations with the help and guidance of the Board of Directors. SMCC is a place where:
Participation and involving one's self goes hand in hand. Participation means taking part in the religious and cultural events. Getting involved is to help in various events, running and maintaining the place, volunteer your time in service of GOD and community.
Get Involved in any which way you can. It is up to us to find an avenue where we can participate and contribute. Make the Sanatan Mandir a part of your life.
Youth Summer Camp
With so many activities each day at camp is different! Campers are given the opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities supervised by well-trained and experienced volunteers.
Youth Ski Camp
With a winter wonderland ready for exploring, come and participate in winter fun. All high school going youth are eligible to register for ski camp. The winter camp is usually organized in February.
Parental Involvement
Parent, family and community engagement is fundamental to a child's development and learning process. It is our responsibility to motivate our children, by being positive role models and show that we are interested in our culture, traditions, future and growth. Parental involvement not only helps us tackle difficult issues like bullying, vandalism, substance abuse but also prevent them from growing and entering our community. Our cooperation and involvement show our children that we care about their future and respect the traditions of our great country.